
14 March 2025 - 21h30
Put the kettle on and brew yourself a cuppa for a Wyrd British TV Night, presented by writer and broadcaster Bob Fischer, our Master of Ceremonies. Get your spine chilled by A Ghost Story for Christmas! Heed the grisly warnings in short films and TV spots, sponsored by the UK government's Central Office of Information, that traumatised a nation! See what happens to naughty children who trespass on farms, railway tracks or electricity substations! And watch out for the Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water, in a world where even polishing a floor or putting on the kettle can be fraught with peril...
Lawrence Gordon Clark
UK, 1977, digital, VO ENG, 31'
Een middenklasse gezin verhuist van de stad naar een cottage, maar een poging tot verwijdering van een oude megaliet uit de achtertuin ontketent een bloederige vloek op de moeder. De voor in die tijd op televisie ongeziene body horror, doet ook vandaag nog de haren ten berge rijzen.
Lesley Manning
UK, 1992, digital, VOEN, 91'
First beamed into unsuspecting British households on Halloween, a jokey "live" BBC investigation into a haunted house, presented by beloved TV personalities, turns into a terrifying experience. This controversial mockumentary horrified audiences (who thought what they were seeing was real!) and stoked a tabloid furore.