
Dawn of the Dead
USA, 1978, HD, VO/OV, US theatrical cut, 127'
Ten years after the 1968 horror classic Night of the Living Dead, American director George A. Romero made a sequel to his living dead film cycle. The godfather of the modern zombie movie, who died in June of this year, sketches a gloomy future with a continuously spreading zombie epidemic. Four survivors take refuge in a large shopping mall and battle with the walking stiffs that massively roam around the facilities as if they instinctively remind one of the most important activities of their previous lives. Romero's bitter criticism of the consumer society goes hand in hand with a bloody and graphic horror ballet of mutilated and rotting corpses. Dawn of the Dead is a macabre masterpiece that hasn’t lost any of his strength and that still offers a guaranteed rise of the spectator's adrenaline level for a few hours. The film is screened in the original Romero edited American theatrical release cut.