
Terry Jones
UK/US, 1983, digital, VO ENG, 107'
The Meaning of Life is a sequence of hilarious sketches. However, as the title suggests, there is a common thread throughout the film: a search for the meaning of life. Of course, this is merely an excuse for the Pythons to overwhelm the viewer one last time with a waterfall of brilliant, satirical, often crude jokes about birth, parenting, sex, midlife crisis, growing old and finally; death. The film is full of legendary skits, such as the one about Mr. Creosote literally exploding from eating too much, the skit in which the sex education teacher goes out of his clothes, the skit in which an organ donor is operated on before he has even died and musical pieces like ”Every Sperm is Sacred.” The film proves once again that John Cleese & co. are among the most important and influential comedians of the 20th century.